Hello! Everybody, today I want introduce a novel "The Saga of Darren Shan" books.
There are many pictyres with different country and different series version.
It's said that there has a magnificent story. Let's go to my report~
2. Auther
This great novel surely to have the great auther "Darren O'Shanghnessy".
In his observactions with writing for: first, it's not formulaic and easy to predict;
secand, it's so full of cliffhangers and easy to read; finally, it's entire darkness
and horrifying.
3. About...
Over the next five years, Darren wrote a total of 12 books about Vampire.
By the start of 2006 Darren's book were on sale in every continent... in 30 countries...
over 20 languages... had been children's bestsellers in America, Britain, Ireland,
the Netherlands, Norway and other countries... had topped the adult bestsellers
charts Hungrary, Japan and Taiwan... and had sold in excess of 10 million copies!
Universal Studios has bought the film rights. Filming is due to being in February
2008, in America.
4. Cirque Du Freak
There are 12 books, and I introduce First series origin.
According to his three observactions, he started thinking that what the world really
needed was book that was fun and easy to read, but which had some of the darkness
and depth.
He used to try to scare himself when he was younger by imagining what would happen
if a vampire attacked him and turned him into one of them. That set him thinking about
writing a story about a boy who meets a vampire and becomes his assistant.
5. Plot Outlone 1
Darren Shan is a lead.
In the beginning, he is an ordinary schoolboy, until he and his best friend Steve get a
tickets to the Cirque Du Freak, a crazy freak show featuring such magically performers.
Such as Hans Hands who can twist body by himself and no hurt, Gertha Teeth who
can bit off everything and the wolf man.
6. Plot Outlone 2
In the midst of ghoulish excitement, ture terror rasises it head when Steve recognizes
that one of the performers- Mr. Crepsley- is in fact a vampire! Steve remains after the
show finishes, to confront the vampire but his motives are anything but ordinary that
he want turned into one of them -vampire!
7. Plot Outlone 3
Later, in a moment of insane daring, Darren sets out to steal the vampire's magnificent
performing spider, and he get it, but an act which will have severe, tragic consequences
for both Darren and Steve.
8. Plot Outlone 4
Their lives will never be the same again... and vampire's life will open your horizon.
9. Visited in Taiwan
Darren visited Taiwan in July 2007. I had seen him and asked him to autograph my books.
Thank you, everyone listen my report and hope you were interest this novel.
- Jan 02 Wed 2008 22:48
My English paper